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Community has played an integral role in my current art journey as I moved to the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM), an art sanctuary in upstate New York, in September 2013. Founding artists, Alex & Allyson Grey, have been visioning & manifesting a creative community which offers sacred space holding monthly events, workshops, an art gallery, bed & breakfast, cafe, gift shop, 40 acres of nature to explore, and the expansion continues... 

The mission of CoSM is to build an enduring sanctuary of visionary art to uplift and inspire a global community. I choose to help this elaborate art/life project because I truly support the idea that art can aid the healing of the world and be a tool for connecting with creative spirit. The opportunity to work with such brilliant and inspirational minds has helped me grow and evolve as a human being & artist, while contributing to a higher vision that will ultimately be a catalyst for a positive shift in consciousness throughout the world. 























My main role right now is coordinating volunteers for the various monthly events that CoSM hosts such as the Full Moon Gatherings and other workshops. Engaging with volunteers has taught me an immense amount about the importance of selfless service, working TOGETHER, creative collaboration, and leadership. It's a perfect example of how teamwork really does make the dream work & how every person is unique and vital to the collective 'art project' we call life.

Aside from working with the volunteers it has been a great pleasure sharing my art and body painting at the CoSM events. Every opportunity to connect with new people and inspiring artists is a blessing & keeps life interesting. 



CoSM attracts numerous artists who come to share their creations at events, teach workshops, & contribute to the Mushroom Cafe Mural. 
Through these visits I've had the opportunity to learn from and in some cases assist several of these inspirators. Many of these artists will eventually have their work displayed in the MAGI Gallery in ENTHEON.

This 3 story art gallery is currently one of the main projects & is being built on CoSM property. It will house the original, sacred paintings of Alex Grey & Allyson Grey, which have been tucked away in storage since the relocation of CoSM in 2009.


With the growing collective effort of the global community, it is possible to manifest
this sacred hub & home for art, creativity, connectivity & spiritual contemplation.

I am grateful everyday and have a strong sense of knowing that community is such an important & beneficial part of life. I feel we are here to share together, lift eachother, & inspire one another. 

CoSM Staff Photo

CoSM Staff Photo

The entire crew is comprised of multi-talented creative persons. Covering all bases from media lab, hospitality, cafe, store, building & constructing, shipping, kitchen, art assisting and more.. These people are making it happen- much love to all of you light workers<3

Allyson & Alex Grey

Allyson & Alex Grey

Living master artists in the flesh. Deep gratitude to these two for welcoming me with open arms from day one and for their continued inspiration & teachings.

Visiting & Resident Artists of CoSM

Visiting & Resident Artists of CoSM

Caren Charles,David Heskin, Aloria Weaver, Amanda Sage, Joness Jones, & Jon Ohia All incredible visionary artists in the Mushroom Cafe

Painting Alongside Martin Bridge

Painting Alongside Martin Bridge

Martin has been a mega inspiration to me with his intricate paintings that evoke much depth and meaning & his great teaching/communication skills. He has taught workshops at CoSM & is extremely knowledgable about the mushroom kingdom & permaculture studies He is also known to collaborate with his artist brother Carl Bridge from time to time.

Fun in the Mushroom Cafe

Fun in the Mushroom Cafe

Johnathan Singer is known for his ability to bring visualizations to life with mixing light & color. His live projections will melt your face. Dave 'Tipper' is an electronic music producer and composer. His sound ranges from ambient, through trip hop, to uptempo nu skool breaks. Burgandy Viscosi is an accomplished painter, model, inspirational speaker, & one of my personal art heroes.

Assisting Alex on the Mushroom Cafe rainbow sign. Probably one of my highlight moments during this painting journey. Alex is very encouraging & a great teacher by example as he drops wisdom on the daily and always stays humble in doing so. Also, he is one of the funniest, expressive & well articulated people I've ever met. Thank you Alex!

CoSM Volunteers & staff getting ready for a an unforgettable event

Chris Dyer is a painter, graffiti artist, skateboarder, cartoonist, documenter, prankster & much more. He teaches a skateboard painting workshop at CoSM every summer & has also contributed to the Mushroom Cafe Mural.

Face painting Chris at Great North Festival! He rocked it

Caren, Dela, Joness, Morgan, & Randal DELA is a painter who often depicts animals, earth conscious content, & the female figure while meshing greyscale scenes accented with bright colors. Joness Jones is a fellow CoSM resident artist who specializes in painting & she was first to initiate the Mushroom Cafe Mural in 2012. She is also a knowledgable astrologer & an essential part of the media lab team.

I'm happy I got a chance to paint with and learn some tips from painter extraordinaire, Randal Roberts. He is a well accomplished painter of today & he teaches the 'Art as Prayer' workshop at CoSM every summer with his lovely partner/assistant Morgan Mandala. Together they transformed one of the walls in the Mushroom Cafe & it looks fantastic!

Randal Roberts & his partner Morgan Mandala with their mural section in the Mushroom Cafe. Morgan Mandala is such a sweet & loving force of creativity. She paints gorgeous nature inspired imagery that often incorporates sacred geometry as well. She is also a great teacher/communicator currently based in Boulder, CO.

Face painting the lovely Olga Klimova before the big Winter Solstice celebration at CoSM. Olga has painted at many events and also specializes in extraordinary decoration installations.

David Heskin refining his & Aloria Weaver's mural in the Mushroom Cafe. He is a very skilled and accomplished painter with extensive knowledge on different techniques such as the Mischtechnik, Mana Prima & many more. Together, he & his wife, Aloria, have a gallery/studio called Luminous Flux in Loveland, CO.

All dressed up at the Deities & Demons Masquerade Ball with Aloria Weaver and Eileen Rose. Aloria is a visionary force & excelled painter that teaches innovative painting techniques in seminars and private classes throughout Europe. She & David Heskin will be teaching a workshop at CoSM on Geometric Mediations in August 2016. She is both an inspirational teacher & kind- hearted human being.

Ryan Blume is a Chicago based artist on the quest to enrich and uplift humanity through his art. He came to visit CoSM in Summer 2015 to live paint & share his amazing art. He also loves practicing & teaching yoga, which clearly is reflected in his artwork

Visionary master painter, Mark Henson, lets his art speak for itself. His work is a perfect example of how art can be a catalyst for social & political change. I love the way he depicts beautiful nature scenes, different embodiments of love, & visions of what humanity can strive for- towards the betterment of planet Earth. It is a true honor to learn from him & witness his painting process in the Mushroom Cafe Mural.

John Shook, Eileen Rose, Seth Leibowitz, & Sharon Fulcher John can draw, paint & build anything- it's very impressive. He made & installed the DiVINE Man on the CoSM Wisdom trail & he live paints at events frequently. Illuminated Rose is a beloved & multi-talented artist. She often facilitates the sand mandala creating at community gatherings. Sharon Fulcher is a prolific painter, sculptor, & Alex's right hand assistant

Collaboration painting with Seth Leibowitz for the David Wolfe Cacao Party at CoSM. Seth is not only an incredible painter, but he is also a highly skilled tattoo artist. He is a strong supporter of the CoSM community & has participated in numerous workshops as well as live painting at events. Also, this is his regular painting outfit… ;p

John Harris, Genevieve Wood, Emily Wilson, Linda Lu, & Maggie Keller CoSM staff with visionary artist, Amanda Sage. Amanda is one of my personal art heroes & a huge inspiration in the art world. Her extensive training with Viennese master, Erst Fuchs, has influenced her technique & enhanced her ability to SEE the natural world. She teaches a painting intensive at CoSM every year & is also a board member. I am also inspired by her latest creations in the fashion realm.

Delvin Solkinson is a driving force in not only the CoSM community, but also in the global visionary realm. He has been spreading visionary art throughout the world for over a decade & is responsible for the CoSM Journal. His passion for learning & teaching permaculture is contagious & he truly is a real life super hero on multiple levels. Honored to co-create with him. http://www.higherglyp

CoSM Volunteers all painted up by yours truly during the Winter Solstice Celebration in December 2015.

Grace Walters is a multi-talented CoSMnaut who currently manages the Mushroom Cafe & designs incredible jewelry. Check out her gorgeous designs

Jonathan Solter adds the latest addition to the Mushroom Cafe Mural. He is an artist specializing in higher dimensional travel, ancient civilizations and animism.

Visiting artist Vibrata Chromodoris adds to the ceiling of the Mushroom Cafe. Her paintings generally depict waves of energy, undulating and expanding infinitely in all directions as a continuum.

Michael Divine is one of my all time favorite artists. I had the honor of hanging out with him during his stay at CoSM & receiving some painting tips along the way. I particularly enjoy is color palette choices, the variation in line quality, & his ability to capture life essence inspired by nature, spirituality, mysticism, architecture, & human expression.

Xavi Panneton was the first artist I had the opportunity to assist in the Mushroom Cafe when I first moved to CoSM. Taking on the ceiling was quite the experience to say the least. Xavi is known for his incredible geometric & radiant gradient street art/paintings. He also has created intergalactic installations, live paints at festivals, & has his own clothing line. Multi-talented & super inspirational!

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